I enjoy training ....I don't care what it is Canoeing, Dragon Boats,Kayaking or Outrigging
I love going to different clubs and just be a paddler and put in a good training session and have fun without the responsibility of being a coach but sometimes I notice that some Coaches will ask an athlete to change something in their technique that will certainly make his/her technique look prettier but really will not make any difference to their timing or speed of the boat.
The Whole Purpose of the STROKE whether it be Canoes,Kayaks or Dragon Boats is to make the boat move forward.
There are two basic rules to this:
1. Get as much force as possible on the blade of your paddle in a way that puts the majority of the force to propel the boat forward.
2. Don't allow your Exit to slow the boat down.
Simple YES ?
Lets take the first rule:
The majority of the POWER begins in the transfer of your weight onto the paddle and CATCH by rotating and using a combination of Hip, Obliques,Lats and Top Shoulder in that order as it drives the paddle into the water.By doing this you will gain several inches in your stroke.
The PULL I have talked about previously but, just to remind you it is a combination of being locked onto the water and pulling back using your legs,obliques and lats to pull the boat past the point of entry. Remember you are pulling the boat forward ,not pulling water back.
Now lets look at the second rule.The Exit
This is probably the hardest part of the stroke to try to teach someone especially in Canoeing or Kayaking as it requires the paddler to be able to "feeeel" the water so they understand the absolute optimum point of exit.
There is a point when the positive applied forces under the water suddenly will become negative and pull the boat down slowing the momentum of the boat.
It is generally agreed that until a paddler is able to gain that" feeeel" you should EXIT at the hip stopping the paddle blade going past that vertical angle.
However, once the you are able to feel that optimum point, your exit should be snappy and clean ready to set up for your next entry.
If you feel any of this helps please feel free to comment.
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